Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Finally a new blog

This is the link to our new blog.  I apologize for how long it has taken.  The new blog is still a work in progress, but I will get to to the way I want it shortly hopefully.

Monday, April 18, 2011

News and a new blog

The sign says "I am going to be a big sister!" and from Lily's expression she is a little shocked. :)

That's right, we are expecting another in the beginning of December. We are all very excited and couldn't wait any longer to share the news with everyone.

I am going to be making the switch to a new blog in the next few weeks since I will be posting about Lily and this new little one (who does not have a cute nickname yet) and think the blog should be titled something more about our family than just "Peanut". As soon as I get the new blog up and running I will let everyone know. Don't expect it for a couple weeks though as this pregnancy has been very different so far (might be because I am chasing Lily around too) and I am constantly tired and nauseous.

Now that it is after 10pm, and that is after my current bed time, I am going to go. Just wanted to share the news with everyone.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lily update

Wow, I have been slacking when it comes to blogging recently. I'm sure I could come up with a million excuses, but the real reason is that I actually forgot about it. Oops!

Anyway, Lily had her 15 month well visit the other day and the pediatrician is very happy with how she is doing. She is now 18.5lbs (2nd percentile), 30.25 inches (42nd percentile), and her head is 17.5 inches (13th percentile). It is great to see her start moving up on the weight chart again. I will admit that we haven't really been doing the high fat diet like we were supposed to because she won't eat most of those foods. I decided it was better to feed her stuff she would eat rather than just sit high fat stuff in front of her and have her push it away. Yesterday she did surprise me though and ate a whole plate full of stuff and then asked for more (any by more, she wanted some dessert). She is now able to eat everything except peanut products which makes it so much easier when going places with her because I don't have to pack her separate food.

Her personality is really starting to show up. She is a little ham. She loves when people are watching her and will give you a big smile when she knows that you are. She also likes to tickle us, start to hand us toys and then pull them away, and be chased (especially when mom is trying to wipe a runny nose!). Lily is also a climber. She has figured out how to get on the couch and also the kitchen table. If something is too high for her she will pull over a footstool, or anything else to stand on, to try to get up.

I will try to get some pictures and video up this weekend because I have a three day weekend.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I finally got some pictures to upload. Hopefully I will be able to get more up later this week.

Playing in the snow.

Daddy buried her in it but she didn't seem to mind.

I didn't get the picture taken fast enough and she got distracted by something else.

Possibly our newest family member, Bella. We are fostering her this weekend to see how things go.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Lily has been grumpy for the past few days. I figured it was just the winter time blues coupled with a runny nose and a bit of a cough. Well I figured out what might really be causing the grumpiness...teeth! And lots of them. This morning she was laughing as I was changing her diaper and I saw that she has 2 more poking through on top and the rest of her gums are very swollen and bumpy (like the teeth are right under the surface). This makes a total of 6 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. She might have more on the bottom, but she really won't let me look and I really don't want to feel since she has learned that you can bite with teeth. I have been giving her some motrin and that seems to be helping with the mood a bit. I'm sure having sharp little teeth pushing their way through your gums can't feel pleasant.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weight check

Lily had her weight check today. She is up to 17.35lbs. She is still under the first percentile for her age, but the doctor is happy that she is gaining weight once again. Right now we are still keeping her on the high fat diet, but no other changes at this time. He said that if she doesn't gain more at her next appointment at 15 months old then he might do some blood work, but he sees no reason to expect to have to do that after this visit.

She definitely makes up for being physically small with her personality. She has learned how to run and chasing the dog is so much fun. She will scream, squeal, and laugh while chasing the dog. I feel bad for Selene because she hardly gets a chance to lay down all day when Lily is awake. I guess I should feel so bad about not taking her out for walks in this horrible weather, the baby is giving her lots of exercise.

Lily is also starting to say more and more words, does some baby signs, and loves to imitate us. The other day she was watching me get ready in the morning and was imitating me washing my face, brushing my hair and putting on my make up, it was adorable.

I am going to start looking into other blogs because I am still having problems uploading pictures and video here. If I do make a switch I will make sure to let everyone know.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Now that the holidays are over we are getting back into the routine of things. It was great to see the friends and family that we were able to see over the past couple weeks and to enjoy a few days off from work, but all of that has messed up Lily's schedule. I am glad that we are going to get back into our normal routine.

Lily had her 1 year well visit with the pediatrician last week. He is so happy to see her starting to walk and talk more. She is in the 11th percentile for height and only the 1st for weight. She only gained about 1/2 a pound since her 9 month check up. He said he isn't worried, but he does want to watch her weight a bit. Instead of going back in 3 months for her 15 month check up we are going to go back in 6 weeks. We are also putting her on a higher fat diet to see if we can pack on the weight. She seems to be enjoying getting cheese added to most of her meals and loves that we end dinner with dessert now (ice cream seems to be the favorite so far). Since she is eating whatever we are eating it is going to be hard for me to keep eating healthy myself and not gain a lot of weight too. I have realized that is it about portion control for me and putting the "good" stuff on Lily's plate and eating a lot of my food plain. For example, today for lunch Lily and I had hamburgers and a baked sweet potato. I made one hamburger and then cut about a third of it off for Lily, that part got cheese on it. She also got some bread to make hers a sandwich and I just cut up my burger. For the sweet potato I scooped some out for Lily and put butter and sour cream on it and my part I ate plain. While her lunch looked amazing, mine tasted really good. I know I will be able to get Lily to gain weight without gaining it myself.

I will get pictures up sometime this week. I got a new computer for my birthday and I am trying to be selective with what I put on it and where so it doesn't become a disorganized mess like my last one. This has made me a little slow at getting pictures off the camera though because I don't know exactly how I want to organize them yet